It's Not On You It's In You Part. II
"It's Not On You It's In You!" Part II
Today I am going to be transparent! Yes I am going to reveal some of the things others wish they could expose but are too worried about what others will think about them or say. I've always been a transparent person to those I love and have embraced as friends but to those that don't know me I'm sort of a mystery and hard to figure out. Yes, I can veil parts of myself by either being silent or shutting down and shutting you out. However, being a Woman who desires to see other women grow and know that in Christ we have liberty and are free to live move and have our being in Him because we find out who we are when we let go of who we perceive ourselves to be. I have fears like afraid of heights, mice and snakes. I hate not being in control and that's a daily mortifying process because my life is not my own I've been purchased by the blood of the lamb, but sometimes this living sacrifice climbs off the alter and wants to digress! When I'm not having a good day I shop and when I'm happy I cook! That's just a quick look in to my world, but do you know that others can see who you are are no matter how you try and hide your identity? Want to know how?
"You Tell On Yourself "
You tell on yourself
By the friends you seek,
By the manner in which you speak;
By the way you employ your leisure time,
By the use you make of every dollar or dime.
You tell what you are
By the things you wear,
By the spirit by which your burdens you bear;
By the kind of things at which you laugh,
By the records you play on your phonograph.
You can tell what you are
By the way you talk,
By the manner in which you bear defeat;
By so simple a thing as what you eat,
By the books you choose from a well-defined shelf.
In these ways and more, you tell on yourself.
So there is really not a particle of sense
In your efforts to keep up your false pretense
Author: Unknown
See who we are isn't what people see when they look at your IG, or FB or Linkedn that is what you decided to reveal about yourself. But the real you is exposed by the things that drive you. I speak a lot about identity and character because from a very young age I have always had a self awareness! I've always been a individual and known what I wanted. I may have not always gone about attaining things prayerfully, and with wise counsel. However, when consequences were a result of some of my choices I began to see the things in my life that were ugly and needed to be removed.
We have a Master that when he revealed himself to his 3 friends what was in him was so bright and glorious they fell to their knees In Hebrew it is called the Kvod adonai which means the shekinah glory of the Lord. Kvod (Glory) in Hebrew and means mean’s weight. In the Old Testament many saw God's shekinah glory as the physical manifestation of the presence of God. throughout the Old Testament we find numerous theophanies, appearances of God, accompanied by his glory. This is recorded in Exodus, Leviticus and Numbers. When God appears in glory it means he has visited a particular place like he is in no other place. And left the presence of himself there .
How many of us if we transfigured literally metamorphed and revealed our true self would be pleased? I know if my heart was revealed on somedays I would make the breaking news! I am so greatful that I've been rescued by truth. And the personality/identity that was God given, arranged by genetics, and cultivated by environment can now be perfected by the perfect mirror the word of Yah (God)
Which is alive Perfect mirror is the (zon) alive living and breathing Word Hebrews 4:12.
Marred reflection lost identity
Apparently all aren't aware of the fact that identity is not only revealed by outer appearance but rather the inner man/woman. It's evident by the things I see people say and post on public network sites as well as speak about its grievous sometimes. It isn't anything new though. Woman's reflection was distorted the day she she had a conversation with the enemy. From that very moment she submitted to satan's suggestion we have been in search of perfection.
Yes, we've been deceived by our parents that didn't get a instruction manual on raising secure daughters and were compared to siblings, cousins or a acquaintance child or even to the idea of who they thought we should be. See most parents don't take the time to study their child's character and personality so that they can shape them into the person that Yah (God) has created them to be. But we gave a enemy that has been studying mankind since the foundations of the earth. He has been watching you all your life and loves to throw suggestions your way to keep you confused and off the path to finding your true self! You were made in the image of your creator. But we are looking for our identity in so many other things degrees, a persona and magazines, tv etc.. The moment eve conversed with her enemy and obeyed his lie instead of continuing in the truth of her identity she began a spiral into a identity crisis! Gen. 3:1-7, Gen. 3:16 our enemy wants you to believe that liberty means operating without boundaries but that's classified as lawlessness, or sin and basically flips the bird at Yah (God) and says I got this thing called life! Really? You wish! We wouldn't be on a quest to be thin enough, pretty enough, we wouldn't have fall outs and failed relationships, etc.
Liberty literally means in the Hebrew rachab pronounced (raw-khawb)
In every direction literally and figuratively:--large, proud
Meaning in what Christ has done I can do also in the power of His might. Not on my own on my own I am without wise, caring loving guidance on my own I make decisions that cause myself and others grief. And on my own I get lost in others identities, media, society, magazines the worlds expectations. When I am obedient to my creator each time I believe what he says about me and obey Him I begin to resemble him his glory I can freely walk in the truth of his word. Stop personalizing lies and others opinions Personalize TRUTH! I will give you some truth to ingest today: Psalms139:14, 1 Peter 2:9, Psalms 45:9-13.
Let's a remember that the audience that we really perform for is an audience of one Elohim(God) He sees you and knows you better than you know your self. Look in his perfect mirror today. Remember your are beautiful and loved. And as always stay #KeepinItRoyal